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Operations (CRUD) Reference

Once again, we will be discussing the four major operations typically performed on data: Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD). The operations in the code below will each work with the familiar "companySchema" using the "Company" model:

let companySchema = new Schema({
companyName: String,
address: String,
phone: String,
employeeCount: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
country: String,

let Company = mongoose.model('companies', companySchema);


To "save" (create) a new document, we must first create the document in code using the model we want (ie: "Company"). Then we can call a built in method, "save" on the new object to save it.

const kwikEMart = new Company({ ... }); => {
// everything good
console.log("kwikEMart saved");
}).catch(err => {
// there was an error


To "find" (read) documents from the database, we use the "find" method on the model object itself (ie: "Company"), ie:

Company.find({ companyName: 'The Kwik-E-Mart' })
//.sort({}) //optional "sort" -
.then((companies) => {
// companies will be an array of objects.
// Each object will represent a document that matched the query

Selecting specific fields

If we wish to limit the results to include only specific fields, we can pass the list of fields as a space-separated string in the second parameter to the find() method, ie:

Company.find({ companyName: 'The Kwik-E-Mart' }, 'address phone')
//.sort({}) //optional "sort" -
.then((companies) => {
// companies will be an array of objects.
// Each object will represent a document that matched the query

For complex queries (ie: "greater than", "in", "or", etc, etc.) see the Mongoose Query Guide and the MongoDB documentation under Query and Projection Operators


To update documents in the database, we use the updateOne() / updateMany() methods on the model object (ie: "Company"). We typically pass these function two arguments: the query to select which documents to update and the fields to set for the documents that match the query.

NOTE: See update operators, ie: $set, $push and $addToSet for more information.

Company.updateOne( { companyName: 'The Kwik-E-Mart' }, { $set: { employeeCount: 3 } })
.then(() => {
// updated company
console.log('updated company');
.catch((err) => {


To delete documents in the database, we use the deleteOne() / deleteMany() methods on the model object (ie: "Company").

Company.deleteOne({ companyName: 'The Kwik-E-Mart' })
.then(() => {
// removed company
console.log('removed company');
.catch((err) => {